The Return of Wine and Roses: Reaching Millennials

group of millennials enjoying their wine

Wine was oftentimes equated to older people and aging adults, but it seems that millennials have become the new wine drinkers, to a point where many bigger wineries and wine companies have focused their efforts to market their products to this particular generation. In fact, millennials account for 42% of the total wine consumption in the US, and research in the University of Australia shows that millennials are more willing to pay for and consume white wine as compared to other generations.

That said if you wish to take advantage of the increased demands of wine by focusing your marketing strategy to millennials, here are a few marketing and promotional tips that you’ll definitely want to know:

Go Online

Almost every millennial has a smartphone and internet access, and the majority of them have social media accounts. That said, it’s not enough for you to have a well-designed website that has your product catalogue, basic information, and background. You’ll need to have an active social media account with worthwhile and shareable content ranging from well-captured photos to tips in wine-tasting, and even more niche topics like what wine would be best for Netflix night. You can go further by partnering with social media influencers to help promote your brand and products. As such, it’s important that you have someone (or a digital marketing agency) assigned to take care of your online marketing and content management.

Allow Reviews

Many millennials rely on online product reviews when deciding to choose between different brands and products, and this applies to wines as well. That said, you may want to integrate reviews and feedback on your wine business’ website’s product catalogues. Your target market would be more likely to purchase a product even if it has a moderate review, as compared to products that have no reviews at all. However, you also need to watch out for negative reviews and complaints in both your website’s review/feedback section and in social media and try to reply to all of them to show that you actually do care about your market and upholding a certain standard of quality for your wine products.

Host Wine Tasting Events

Woman hand with wine bottle pouring a row of glasses for tasting

Wine tasting events are becoming more and more popular among millennials, especially those who prefer a more cultured, civilised, and less rowdy form of social activity (as compared to concerts and discos). That said, whether you’re promoting a new product or simply trying to market your brand, it’s always a good idea to have a wine tasting event that’s designed for millennials. Choose a place that’s social media-worthy, and have a charming wine tasting expert of connoisseur spearhead the wine-tasting activity. You may even consider expanding further with a wine-cheese-and-meat board tutorial or pairing class hosted by your brand.

Be Green, Be Local

Many millennials are environmentally and socially conscious and would prefer brands and companies that share the same sentiments. That said, you could market your wine as a local product that’s made by or supports a local community. Furthermore, there’s a huge impact to brand perception when it comes to sustainability and being green. So, if you’re able to integrate sustainability into your winery’s production, such as winery wastewater treatment systems, you’ll not only save money and resources, but you can market yourself as an environmentally-responsible wine business that many millennials would support.


Traditional marketing may no longer be enough when it comes to promoting your wine and brand to millennials, which is why it’s important for you to take note of these tips and be inspired to think outside of the box in order to find more promotional strategies in order to make your brand and wine more attractive to this generation.

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