Keeping Up with the Tech: 3 Ways to Keep Your Smartphone Up to Date

Man using his smartphone

A smartphone is now considered to be an essential thing to have with you every day given the circumstances in today’s much more modern and digital era. People have become more and more reliant on smartphones nowadays considering the number of things that it could do for us: whether it is for entertainment, communication, or even as useful now in a person’s academics.

A single piece of glass made almost anything possible to do simultaneously as compared to a hundred separate things from a few years ago that you have to buy in order to do one thing and another. For example, buying a newspaper and at the same time turning on the radio to listen to music as you read, whereas you could both do that in your smartphone with pretty much lesser effort).

Although smartphones are extremely impressive and helpful to our needs, it is just like any other thing: it has its limitations. Smartphones also have their own lifespan, and a new one is expected to run smoothly for a few months and then seemingly slow down as time goes on.

But, also much like anything else that is treated properly and with care, a smartphone could last long pretty well and still be running as good as new. Here are a few ways to follow to make that happen:

1. Double-check your apps (and get rid of unnecessary ones).

When you buy a new smartphone, you automatically get a few apps on it, and you most likely do not know what they are for. Unnecessary apps take up storage and sometimes still run in the background. This drains your battery life and ultimately slows down your phone.

Unnecessary apps could mean apps that you once installed for a single purpose and forgot to uninstall once the purpose was served — an app that you used for the airline to book a flight, or an app that scans ID and papers on a rush, or a game you installed just to entertain you out of boredom in a lecture.

These apps may have been recommended by a friend or even a mobile app development company, but if they are no longer useful to you, uninstall them!

2. Make sure your software is updated.

Your phone’s latest version of the operating system or software fixes bugs that make your phone run smoothly and also fix the slowing down problem. Some smartphones notify you when a new update is available, while others could be found in the phone’s settings.

Either way, it is important that you check that your phone’s software is up to date to make sure your phone is bug-free, and all apps are running smoothly and quickly.

3. Have a clean home screen.

Smart phone with floating digital icons

People often put more apps on the home screen or cluster them in folders on the home screen since they are easier to access that way. But sometimes they get carried away, and the home screen gets messy with all the apps now scattered all over. It is best to get rid of unnecessary icons for this is one of the causes that affect how the phone is running.

Those were a few ways to make sure your phone is still up to date and runs smoothly. Because while smartphones are essential, it does not mean that they are cheap — you need to look out for them.

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